We have first-hand experience in anti-corruption compliance worldwide, having represented clients in numerous matters, including in connection with high profile corruption cases in the United States and Latin America.

Our expertise includes:

  • Bilingual drafting and implementation of policies, programs and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Corruption risk assessments and development of prevention measures.
  • Design and implementation of comprehensive Corporate Compliance Programs in compliance with international anti-corruption guidelines, best practices and in-country legal requirements.
  • Periodic review and enhancement of anti-bribery programs.
  • Hands-on involvement on internal corporate criminal and forensic investigations, remediation and crisis management plans.
  • Development of internal compliance processes and procedural manuals in accordance with FCPA, OFAC, SOX, AML and local country standards, including customized digital solutions.
  • Training on law and policy for varied audiences and cultures, ranging from board rooms, senior management, legal and accounting teams to large employee teams. Bilingual learning materials and live on-site training sessions.
  • Conduct integrity and enhanced FCPA and OFAC due diligence on acquisition targets and third-party intermediaries.
  • Track and summarize regulatory developments and guidelines published by the SEC and DOJ.
  • Monitoring of global anti-corruption enforcement actions and compliance trends.
  • Assessment of corruption risks related to charitable donations, gifts and entertainment, third party liability, vendor onboarding, joint ventures and best hiring practices.
  • Cooperation and assistance to ensure compliance of Prosecution Agreements under US law, including close coordination with team of U.S. monitors, government agencies and in-country monitor visits.
  • Conduct background, exclusion, debarment and enhanced due diligence and anti-corruption screenings.
  • Strong familiarity with diverse risk databases, including those of the DOJ, SEC, OFAC and World Bank, among others.
  • Regular monitoring of global regulatory developments, with particular focus on U.S. enforcement agencies.
  • Design and implement multi-jurisdiction comprehensive corporate compliance programs laws for private and public entities.